BD Online Garments Training

Questions Answer

Production Cost Mapping for Few Apparel Items

To provide you an overall idea about cost mapping of garment production 3 items has been selected like Basic V-Neck Long Sleeve T-Shirt,  Ladies Turte Neck Pullover and Mans 5 Pocket Denim Jeans. In the following table on the product image total FOB break up has been shown. Total production cost of the items  and fabric specifications given below the images. Finally, process wise cost break up has been given below.

This study was done by Progress, gtz. based on data from Bangladeshi apparel Manufacturers.

Basic V-Neck Long Sleeve T-Shirt
Ladies Turtle Neck Pullover
Man's 5 Pocket Denim Jeans
Total production cost of $ 2.5 (as of July 2007)
Color: White
Fabric: 1X1 Rib
Weight: 240 GSM
Total production cost of $ 3.25 (as of July 2007)
50% Cotton, 50% Acrylic
Fabric: Single Jersey
Total production cost of $ 5.8 (as of Dec 2008)
Yarn & Accessories
Finish & Pack
Yarn & Accessories
Flat Knitting
Trim & mending

Wash, Finish & Pack

Fabric & Acc. (Raw Materials)

Source: A poster by Progress, December 2008

Related Post:
Cost Breakdown of a Men’s Woven Cotton Shirt sold in USA Market

How to determine GSM of woven fabric from its construction?

To determine approximate GSM (grams per square meters) of a given fabric, you can use following formula. One of my colleagues used to use this formula in testing lab. In case different counts of warp thread or weft thread is used then this formula will not give you correct GSM. It is also known as conversion formula from fabric construction to fabric weight.

Fabric GSM = (EPI/warp count + PPI/Weft count) x (100+crimp %) X 0.2327

For example, construction of a fabric is 40 X40 /120 X 60 and warp and weft crimp is 6%. Then GSM of this fabric will be,

GSM = (120/40 + 60/40) X (100+6%) X 0.2327

GSM =104.77

I found others to use this formula with different multiplying factors.

Fabric GSM= ((EPI/warp count X 1.1) + (PPI/weft count x 1.04)) x 23.5 By Dharmi 
Where 1.1 and 1.04 are warp and weft crimp factors respectively.

To determine approximate GSM (grams per square meters) of a given fabric, you can use following formula. One of my colleagues used to use this formula in testing lab. In case different counts of warp thread or weft thread is used then this formula will not give you correct GSM. It is also known as conversion formula from fabric construction to fabric weight.

Fabric GSM = (EPI/warp count + PPI/Weft count) x (100+crimp %) X 0.2327

For example, construction of a fabric is 40 X40 /120 X 60 and warp and weft crimp is 6%. Then GSM of this fabric will be,

GSM = (120/40 + 60/40) X (100+6%) X 0.2327

GSM =104.77

I found others to use this formula with different multiplying factors.

Fabric GSM= ((EPI/warp count X 1.1) + (PPI/weft count x 1.04)) x 23.5 By Dharmi 
Where 1.1 and 1.04 are warp and weft crimp factors respectively.

Top 10 Tips to Reduce Garment Sampling Time


Delay in sampling effects in production shipment. Secondly, when sampling processes get delayed productivity of sampling department gets reduced. Merchants need to be involved in sampling for longer time for the same style. There may be hundreds of reasons for delay in sampling but still sampling time can be reduced by following tips mentioned below.
  1. Be proactive- finish your backlogs, create capacity for fresh sampling, research for sourcing of sampling material. Even you can make directory for all available material in the sampling store for fabrics, trims, threads, laces, beads etc that can be used for initial sampling. If you know your buyer better you can be prepared for new season prior to getting sampling request.  
  2. Make Time and Action calendar - Do planning for your sampling styles in details. Clearly note when to start a task and when to finish it. Mention name of the responsible person for the task.  Follow task according to the plan. Chase the person until the task gets finished. If something is getting delayed create alarm and seek help from others. Work with the goal to meet timeline for each task. No delay and no procrastination in task completion even you have enough time to submit your sample.
  3. Work with checklist - List down a complete sequence of jobs to be needed for sampling. Start finishing task one by one. It will more effective if you prepare two check lists, one for daily To Do list and second one for style wise check list. Start work with daily to do List and update style wise checklist. Following this method with you can keep track of all your styles.
  4. Critical path management - Identify jobs those are not dependent with each other and start parallel processing (sourcing, pre-assembling). This will reduce your sampling time and you can work on multiple samples at a time.
  5. Inventory check – Prior to handing over work to sampling tailors, check everything is ready as per required quality and quantity. This will help you to reduce forward and backward communication. Secondly, sampling tailors will complete your samples at one go.  
  6. Quality at First place- Approve quality and specification by yourself before proceeding for next step. It will eliminate rework level. If you use alternative quality for time constraint, inform it to your buyer prior to using it in sample.
  7. Be prepared with alternative – whenever developing samples like lap dips, print strike off, embroidery work or bead work make multiple options. By alternative, in case buyer rejects your first sample you can quickly send alternative one. By this way you can reduce lot of time required for re-development.
  8. Don’t believe in Guesswork - Don’t do any task if you have confusion. Communicate with your seniors or contact immediately to buyer for clarification.
  9. Update your knowledge – technical knowledge about fabrics, current trends, and new development on your product line will give you additional advantage in quick start sampling.
  10. Last but not the least, don’t miss any dead line. Chase your supplier, chase sourcing and sampling department constantly.

How to make a good and comprehensive production file?


In apparel export manufacturing merchandiser communicates with buyers starting from product development to shipment of the finished goods. Whatever information merchant receives from buyer related to production style, she communicates it to production team. Most of the organized factories follow a standard procedure for the communication in between merchandising to production department. Production file is such one example. Merchants are responsible for making production file.

Merchant (or Production planning team) conducts pre-production meeting with production team after getting approval on final sample (usually PP sample). Merchant handovers Production File to production team with all required information and samples. A clear and complete production file includes all required information needed to make the style as per buyer requirements. In this article how to make a good production has been discussed in detail

A standard production file contains following items.
  1. Check list (production file) 
  2. Technical sheet (Tech pack including measurement sheet) 
  3. Production Order sheet (with color and size break up), cut plan and mini marker 
  4. Comment sheets (comment received from buyer on each development samples) 
  5. Approved PP sample with buyer comments 
  6. Approved fabric swatches of all color ways. If there is any shade band it is also mentioned what lots are accepted and what are not accepted. If there is contrast color combination it is mentioned in the file. 
  7. Approved Print strike off and embroidery strike off (if present in the style) 
  8. Trim card (Trim card must contains approved sample of trims such button, lace, sewing thread, main label, acre label etc.) 
  9. Post sewing processing details (washing, dry cleaning or dying) to be mentioned with final look. 
  10. Packing specifications (if not mentioned in production order) 
  11. Other specific information those are very important for the style quality – needle size to be used. 
  12. A copy of Time and Action calendar (prepared by Production planning department) 
  13. Copy of the PP meeting notes (Minutes of the Meeting of Pre-production meeting) 
  14. FPT and GPT report (if available at the of PP meeting)
  15. Ex-factory date – at what date shipment to be ready for final inspection and to be ready for the move to the port. 
How to make Production File:
  1. Issue a ring binder or paper spring file from stationary department (store). 
  2. Take print out of all buyer documents (tech pack, specification sheet, comments, production order and important mail communications) and staple category wise. 
  3. Issue few swatch cards (little bit thicker paper) and make trim card. Staple trims on the trim card. Or you can put trims inside small poly pouch and staple the pouch on the trim card. Sign on the trims as your approval. 
  4. If you have approved strike offs for printing and embroidery or handwork, staple those approval on the swatch card. 
  5.  Punch all documents and swatch cards with punching machine and file them in the ring binder (production file) in a sequence of above list. 
  6. Prepare a check list with above and fix it on the inside front cover. In the check sheet mention what is approved, what is awaiting for approval, what are pending to hand over etc. 
  7. Insert separator in between the documents (if it is a large file with different type of documents) 
  8. Label the file with Style/Order Name, Buyer Name, Merchants name, File hand over date, planned cut date and Ex-factory date.

How to keep track of current Fashion Trends?

Fashion magazines are generally the best source of information on current and near-future fashion trends. To name few top magazines – Vogue, RTW, Gloria Medias, Images Business for fashion, Apparel, Inside Fashion, Apparel online, Lace-n-Lingerie, Zink Magazine etc. Domestic brands and export manufacturer for whom trends are important should regularly check online magazines and their sites. To name few of such sites are,, ,, and Some magazines offer free subscriptions to e-mail lists on current industry and/or fashion trends. Such as

Other options to keep track on current and future fashion trends

  1. Social networking sites made it easier to keep track of current fashion trends. Lot of groups and forums are there in Facebook and LinkedIn social networking sites. Join to those groups to get update of current fashions trends 
  2. Follow buyer’s web site regularly. Buyer place their upcoming product ranges on display on the site.  
  3. Visit the designers sites and check what they have brought to the market. You can get good design ideas from those designer creations. 
  4. Visit apparel stores regularly and keep eye on fresh arrivals (merchandise). 
  5. Even you can regularly check online apparel shopping sites and subscribes for new arrivals notification of those online apparel shopping sites. Through regular watch and research data provided on the online magazine you can keep yourself updated on current and future fashion trends. 
If you know name of good fashion (apparel) sites and fashion magazines you can send us the name and URL. We will update our list.


How to improve seam performance against slippage in garments?

Seam slippage is one of the causes of seam failure that affect appearance and performance of the garment. Seam slippage occurs on woven fabric, when yarns slide together along other yarns or a line of stitching. Seam slippage occurs with a low stitch count, insufficient tension on threads, or improper stitch and seam selection.

Causes for seam slippage:
  1. Most slippage occurs in the seams that run parallel to the warp. 
  2. Slippage will more likely to occur in fabrics that have filament yarns, low counts and unbalanced weave. 
  3. Seam slippage may also be affected by stitch type and size, tension, seam type and size, thread used for sewing and excessive use of fabric lubricant. 
    • A tighter stitch will reduce seam slippage as stitches grip fabric. 
    • Using higher stitch per inch (SPI), lapped seam and double row of stitches will increase the grip, hence reduces seam slippage 
    • By increasing seam margin (allowance) as the higher number of stitches in between seam and cut edge create a resisting force to slippage. 
    • Sewing the seam with lining fabric or tape will help to reduce slippage. Seams cut along with warp line are more prone to slippage than those cut on the bias.

What Documents are Sent by Buyers First to Start Work with Garment Manufacturer?

Question: What documents are sent by a buyer to start work first, e.g. order sheets or some things else? Buyer first sends something to a buying house or manufacturer, by which we make the required garment?

Order sheet is not been forwarded at first stage of communication between buyer / buying house to garment manufacturer. Only when it is a re-order, buyer sends directly production order sheet to its vendor. To start work with for new seasons or an order buyer start with product development (mostly known as sampling). For production development or sampling buyer may sent
  • Garment sample, 
  • Sketch of the garment, 
  • Tech pack which includes material specifications - such fabric and trim details,
  • Garment measurement sheet 
  • Embellishment details etc.

An manufacturer can do business with buyer directly or through buying houses. In case garment manufacturer deals directly with the buyer then obviously buyer will communicate everything directly to the manufacturer. In other case buyers communicate with buying house and buying house forward information to their selected/ buyer approved manufacturers. Similar ways production follow up with manufacturers is by buyer or buying house

Skills Required to Become a Successful Merchandiser in Buying Role

Question: What are the key areas to become the successful merchandiser in a buying role. ?

OCS's Answer: 
Becoming a buyer is always a dream position to a buying house and manufacturing merchandiser. One needs to develop following skills to become a successful merchant in buying role. Most of the professional skills come through work experience. 
Product Specialization – When you are shifting or upgrading yourself into buying role you have to specialize in one type of merchandise. Merchandises are broadly categorised as men, women or Kids or categorization can be done woven or Knits. Specialization means understanding of whole processes, raw materials, supply chain, quality parameters, sourcing of material, product behavior, garment processing etc. 
Communication Skill – Fluent in spoken English as well as in local language, commands on English as you need to explain lot of things by written communication, fast in written communication. In the information edge you must be a computer savvy. 
Product Costing and Pricing – Thorough knowledge and experience in costing of product, material, development cost and other variable cost in business. 
Negotiation – Cost negotiation with retailers and price negotiation and negotiation details of delivery with the supplier. Negotiation and convincing power is always in first place when you choose buying role. 
Forecasting - Buyers predict months and in some cases years in advance what accessories and apparel will sell and at what prices the target market. 
Flexible to travel - Being on the buying role you may have to travel abroad in a short notice.

One must able to work under pressure as some time suddenly you will have work load.
Keeping up to date for past and present fashion trends and uses your imagination skill in forecasting 
Other  must have professional skills are Enthusiasm, Self-motivation, Creativity, Imagination, Decisiveness, Good judgment and Strong analyst.

Day to day Job Responsibilities of a Merchandiser Working in a Buying Agency

Question: What are the day to day roles of a merchandiser working in a buying agency? ... asked by Rajat

OCS's Answer:
Though job profile widely varies from organisation to organisation and position of a merchandiser in the organisation, I am listing down some of the common jobs that a merchandiser needs to do in a buying house on daily basis. Some tasks may be performed in a weekly cycle or season. After reading the following list, if you feel that something is missing then you are welcome to point it out in the following comment box.

  1. Communicating with buyers by mail (mostly) for new queries as well as updates

  2. Meeting with vendors and explaining new development requirement to vendor team 

  3. Planning for new season sampling and production orders 

  4. Collecting of garment samples, trims and different types of swatches from the vendors 

  5. Submission of samples to buyer through courier 

  6. Follow up with vendors for samples 

  7. Follow up with buyers for approvals and feedback 

  8. Giving approval on samples where buyer intervention is not required 

  9. Updating latest comments on particular styles or order to vendor representative 

  10. Update the buyers with the order status at all stages 

  11. Execution of running orders (production) 

  12. Visit to vendor site 

  13. Sourcing of materials for new development 

  14. Preparation of material requirement 

  15. Selection and finalizing of vendors for the upcoming orders based on vendor’s experience of making similar products 

  16. Preparing Purchase order 

  17. Costing and negotiation with trim & accessory suppliers 

  18. Handle quality issues for sampling as well as production 

  19. Preparing inspection schedule for shipment and notifying to quality department in the buying house or third party QA. 

  20. Maintaining files and Accounts 

  21. Updating Time and Action calendar

What is Bit Loom?

Bit loom is a common term mostly used in garment supply chain (e.g. by apparel buyers, fabric manufacturers, merchandisers in woven garment manufacturing). It is one kind of fabric development sample. Normally yarn dyed fabric swatches (samples) are called as Bit loom. As solid colored or solid dyed fabric swatches (samples) are called as Lap dips. To develop fabric design that is made with dyed yarns (checks or stripes) or self colored yarn with different counts of yarn, a sample development loom is used (electronic or manual loom).

Swatch: Bit loom
Fabric is not made in full width (regular) in this loom. Only required width and sufficient length is made to represent fabric look. The purpose of using bit loom is to show the fabric design to the buyer for final look of the fabric without spending much time in fabric preparatory processes and with minimum cost for fabric development.

Bit loom is made only for fabric sample approval from buyers. Sometimes couple of samples (garments) are made with the development fabric.

How to determine GSM of woven fabric from its construction?

To determine approximate GSM (grams per square meters) of a given fabric, you can use following formula. One of my colleagues used to use this formula in testing lab. In case different counts of warp thread or weft thread is used then this formula will not give you correct GSM. It is also known as conversion formula from fabric construction to fabric weight.

Fabric GSM = (EPI/warp count + PPI/Weft count) x (100+crimp %) X 0.2327

For example, construction of a fabric is 40 X40 /120 X 60 and warp and weft crimp is 6%. Then GSM of this fabric will be,

GSM = (120/40 + 60/40) X (100+6%) X 0.2327

GSM =104.77

I found others to use this formula with different multiplying factors.

Fabric GSM= ((EPI/warp count X 1.1) + (PPI/weft count x 1.04)) x 23.5 By Dharmi 
Where 1.1 and 1.04 are warp and weft crimp factors respectively.

How to make a good and comprehensive production file?

In apparel export manufacturing merchandiser communicates with buyers starting from product development to shipment of the finished goods. Whatever information merchant receives from buyer related to production style, she communicates it to production team. Most of the organized factories follow a standard procedure for the communication in between merchandising to production department. Production file is such one example. Merchants are responsible for making production file.

Merchant (or Production planning team) conducts pre-production meeting with production team after getting approval on final sample (usually PP sample). Merchant handovers Production File to production team with all required information and samples. A clear and complete production file includes all required information needed to make the style as per buyer requirements. In this article how to make a good production has been discussed in detail

A standard production file contains following items.
  1. Check list (production file) 
  2. Technical sheet (Tech pack including measurement sheet) 
  3. Production Order sheet (with color and size break up), cut plan and mini marker 
  4. Comment sheets (comment received from buyer on each development samples) 
  5. Approved PP sample with buyer comments 
  6. Approved fabric swatches of all color ways. If there is any shade band it is also mentioned what lots are accepted and what are not accepted. If there is contrast color combination it is mentioned in the file. 
  7. Approved Print strike off and embroidery strike off (if present in the style) 
  8. Trim card (Trim card must contains approved sample of trims such button, lace, sewing thread, main label, acre label etc.) 
  9. Post sewing processing details (washing, dry cleaning or dying) to be mentioned with final look. 
  10. Packing specifications (if not mentioned in production order) 
  11. Other specific information those are very important for the style quality – needle size to be used. 
  12. A copy of Time and Action calendar (prepared by Production planning department) 
  13. Copy of the PP meeting notes (Minutes of the Meeting of Pre-production meeting) 
  14. FPT and GPT report (if available at the of PP meeting)
  15. Ex-factory date – at what date shipment to be ready for final inspection and to be ready for the move to the port. 
How to make Production File:
  1. Issue a ring binder or paper spring file from stationary department (store). 
  2. Take print out of all buyer documents (tech pack, specification sheet, comments, production order and important mail communications) and staple category wise. 
  3. Issue few swatch cards (little bit thicker paper) and make trim card. Staple trims on the trim card. Or you can put trims inside small poly pouch and staple the pouch on the trim card. Sign on the trims as your approval. 
  4. If you have approved strike offs for printing and embroidery or handwork, staple those approval on the swatch card. 
  5.  Punch all documents and swatch cards with punching machine and file them in the ring binder (production file) in a sequence of above list. 
  6. Prepare a check list with above and fix it on the inside front cover. In the check sheet mention what is approved, what is awaiting for approval, what are pending to hand over etc. 
  7. Insert separator in between the documents (if it is a large file with different type of documents) 
  8. Label the file with Style/Order Name, Buyer Name, Merchants name, File hand over date, planned cut date and Ex-factory date.

How to keep track of current Fashion Trends?

Fashion magazines are generally the best source of information on current and near-future fashion trends. To name few top magazines – Vogue, RTW, Gloria Medias, Images Business for fashion, Apparel, Inside Fashion, Apparel online, Lace-n-Lingerie, Zink Magazine etc. Domestic brands and export manufacturer for whom trends are important should regularly check online magazines and their sites. To name few of such sites are,, ,, and Some magazines offer free subscriptions to e-mail lists on current industry and/or fashion trends. Such as

Other options to keep track on current and future fashion trends

  1. Social networking sites made it easier to keep track of current fashion trends. Lot of groups and forums are there in Facebook and LinkedIn social networking sites. Join to those groups to get update of current fashions trends 
  2. Follow buyer’s web site regularly. Buyer place their upcoming product ranges on display on the site.  
  3. Visit the designers sites and check what they have brought to the market. You can get good design ideas from those designer creations. 
  4. Visit apparel stores regularly and keep eye on fresh arrivals (merchandise). 
  5. Even you can regularly check online apparel shopping sites and subscribes for new arrivals notification of those online apparel shopping sites. Through regular watch and research data provided on the online magazine you can keep yourself updated on current and future fashion trends. 
If you know name of good fashion (apparel) sites and fashion magazines you can send us the name and URL. We will update our list.

Pricing Terminologies used in Garment Export Business ?

Free on Board (FOB): 

In garment exporting, pricing of the garments mostly quoted on FOB. FOB is defined as a term of sale under which the price invoiced or quoted by an exporter manufacturer or a buying agency includes all charges up to placing the goods on board a ship at the port of departure specified by the buyer. It is also called as collect freight, freight collect, or freight forward. FOB is also abbreviated as freight on board.

Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF): 

In many supplying countries pricing is prepared based on CIF. CIF is a shorthand term for signifying that the price invoiced or quoted by an exporter includes insurance and all other charges up to the named port of destination.

Cut, make and Trim (CMT): 

In the apparel industry the buyer needs to assure the quality of raw materials. Textile fabrics of the quality or nature demanded by the buyers may not be available in the sourcing country and raw materials may be required to import. In many instances, the buyer takes on the task of purchasing and shipping the raw materials for the apparel production facility. Buyer only pays a fee to the factory for sewing, trimming, and manufacturing the final goods which is named as CMT. The finished goods are then shipped to the buyer. 
Secondly when a larger manufacturer uses production capacity of the subcontractors and job workers, subcontractors are paid for CMT only.

How to improve seam performance against slippage in garments?

Seam slippage is one of the causes of seam failure that affect appearance and performance of the garment. Seam slippage occurs on woven fabric, when yarns slide together along other yarns or a line of stitching. Seam slippage occurs with a low stitch count, insufficient tension on threads, or improper stitch and seam selection.

Causes for seam slippage:
  1. Most slippage occurs in the seams that run parallel to the warp. 
  2. Slippage will more likely to occur in fabrics that have filament yarns, low counts and unbalanced weave. 
  3. Seam slippage may also be affected by stitch type and size, tension, seam type and size, thread used for sewing and excessive use of fabric lubricant. 
    • A tighter stitch will reduce seam slippage as stitches grip fabric. 
    • Using higher stitch per inch (SPI), lapped seam and double row of stitches will increase the grip, hence reduces seam slippage 
    • By increasing seam margin (allowance) as the higher number of stitches in between seam and cut edge create a resisting force to slippage. 
    • Sewing the seam with lining fabric or tape will help to reduce slippage. Seams cut along with warp line are more prone to slippage than those cut on the bias.

Why not to request your buyer, they may like your option?

I am sharing my first experience of handling a small domestic order. That time I just joined in a newly established export house. So, it was also the first order for the company. Still I can remember the name of my first customer. The order was from Molife. They ordered for pink colored Polo shirt for their brand promotion. Order was for only 50 pieces and pique fabric to be used with flat knitted collar.
As usual, my first task was to find a supplier for the knits fabric and requesting for lap dip. MD sir of our company gave me the contact details of a Ludhiana based supplier and instructed me that for this small quantity we could source fabric from that supplier. I started processing and got lap dip with three options of pink shades after three days. But no shades were matching with the sample given by the customer. I was thinking to call supplier and ask for more lap dips because I did not want to send wrong lap dips to the buyers.
I met MD sir to inform him that lap dips were not matching. So first thing, I am not sending to buyer for approval. Secondly, I am going ask fabric supplier why they did not match lap dips with sample. 
“Yes, you are right. But why are you not sending one of this (best one) lap dip to buyer and tell them that you have reordered for lap dips but if they like this shade (slightly varied from the sample) then you will go ahead with ordering the fabric”, MD sir told to me. The fact was that Polo shirts order was for their internal use and slight tone variation does not matter at all. 
I thought, let’s try. When our MD sir was giving me this suggestion to do it then why not to try? It worked. After a day I got approval of the lap dip. And go ahead with the bulk order. After a week, I shipped my first order. 

Learning: Why not to request buyer, they may like your option?

Related Articles:
Apparel merchandising

What are the main activities of an export house merchant?

  1. Communication with buyers in terms of sample development, approvals, order confirmation 
  2. Communication with internal departments and forwarding required information to the respective departments 
  3. Procure order & Order confirmation 
  4. Product development, sample development and sample approval 
  5. Development of bit loom, print strike off, embroidery strike off etc 
  6. Style Costing 
  7. Calculating consumption of raw materials (Bill of material) 
  8. Price Quoting 
  9. Lab dip & Approval 
  10. Sourcing and purchasing of raw materials, 
  11. Approval of fabric, Trims and Accessories 
  12. Fabric Testing and garment testing done from testing labs 
  13. Factory Scheduling / Planning 
  14. Order Follow up: all steps of production & Quality 
  15. Follow up vendors for subcontracting jobs like printing, hand embroidery and washing 
  16. Ensure on Time Delivery 
  17. Liaison with the customer during Design, Sourcing, Production & Shipping 
  18. Conduct pre-production (PP) meeting with other departments, handover production file and samples to the production team.
  19. Attend buyer’s meeting 
  20. Ensure Customer Satisfactio


How to Review or Study Reference Garment Sample?

In garment export orders, most of the time buyers send reference sample to the supplier with technical specifications and note on critical points. It is to help supplier for preparing correct material requirement, understanding buyer quality requirements and to make proper production planning.

Many times it has been observed that merchants or production people are in hurry and forget to review the sample properly. As a result they face lot of problems in sampling stage, production processes. And unable to meet buyer's quality standards. To get right first time in raw material planning, garment construction, style detailing, it is very important that supplier must do study of the sample prior to start order processing. If sample is reviewed with detailed checklist, sample rejection can be reduced in approval stage. Garment costing and production preparation can be done more accurately.
Once sample is approved by buyer, before the start of production, sample must be reviewed by an industrial engineer, quality team and production team to avoid silly mistakes. Following check lists will be helpful in doing proper review of a sample.
  • Check fabric details, accessories, styling and garment construction.
  • Check garment detailing for process requirements, like printing or embroidery is needed or not. If needed is it before stitching or after stitching. Think about cutting whether block cutting is needed or not.
  • Go through the specs sheets and compare/match it with the sample for possible query on points of measurement. Note that buyer’s way of measuring certain specs varies and you should be aware of their established standards.
  • Wash care instruction
  • Identify and list down garment components or parts
  • List down main material, trims and accessories used
  • Specification of sewing threads (thickness and variation).
  • Turn down the garment and identify operation sequences, note if few operation can be started simultaneously.
  • In operation sequence also note seam types, stitch classes and accordingly think about machine type guides or attachments that would suitable for the operation.
  • Note down operations that looks difficult in sewing and may need attention for quality stitching.
  • Review the sewing allowances required or may be required by the various sewing methods.
  • Identify finishing processes and note with specification.

If you are not clear about some points note it down and query to buyer. Don’t assume anything on your own. Always keep approval and written record of requirements.

How to choose right method for garment printing?

Being a designer you may have multiple options to decide which printing techniques is most suitable for a specific design on the garment. Experienced designers choose printing method primarily on the basis final outcome as design sharpness, durability, brightness, texture and hand feel. Similar outcome can be obtained by multiple ways. In the sampling stage, printing cost might not be considered and designers get done sample printing with most convenient option. But as a designer you must consider which option will be most suitable for bulk production in terms cost of printing and production time.

As when a design comes for production, we need to consider many things to choose a particular printing method. Each printing method has advantages as well as disadvantages. So it is up to you which one to finalize as you are handling bulk printing. But important thing is final print outcome. When a contract is signed with buyer for a particular looks you can't alter it to save money. Still you can save if proper printing method is being chosen. Final outcomes mean hand feel, texture, brightness etc.
Most used printing methods are screen printing, heat transfer printing, direct print, cut out print, block print, boutique print. Each printing method has multiple ways of application. Like - pigment print, discharge print, transfer print, khadi print etc. For example, if you are going to print light color on dark base then discharge print is always advisable. Discharge print also gives soft hand feel. If you want bright white print on dark base (black) color then you have to choose khadi print instead of other options but hand feel is harsh in khadi print.

According to technology level screen printing it can be done in rotary printing, flat bed printing (manual or semi-automatic machine). Printing cost per garment will vary a lot comparing to each others. Other variables are production time and minimum production volume. Though your customer will specify the printing option before final order, you can advice them better option if you have clear knowledge about different printing methods and pros and cons of each one. In the following I have explained reasons why and when to go for any particular printing option.
Block Printing (Manual): For mass production block printing must be avoided. In case you need crafted look, demographic print and quantity is small then you can go for it. Only if specified by customer, hand block printing is taken as an option. Cost is high compared to screen printing.
Rotary screen print: Rotary print is suitable for allover prints, multiple color design, high volume and quicker production. Lot variation is less in rotary screen print comparing to flat bed. The cost of printing is calculated on the basis of fabric length print coverage. Here you can save money if you buy wider fabric. Printing can be done only fabric form. Printing on garment panels or on complete garment is not possible. Limitation is in design repeat.
Flat bed screen print: All over printing can be done in flat bed but only in manual as well as automated process where long table bed is used. Advantage is no limitation in design repeat. Chance of occurring lot variation, repeat over lapping when smaller screen is used, shade variation in the same pieces is high. Production is slow. For smaller quantity of fabric printing it is oaky. For garment panel printing flat bed screen printing is widely used.
Heat transfer print: Generally for small motif, brand logo, label print and swaraski print heat transfer printing method is used. This is very slow process. In this case printer need only heat transfer machine and paper printed with motif. Foil printing, also done in heat transfer method. For foil print you have no other option than heat transfer. It is very easy method. So, many garment manufacturer who need print logo or small motifs or stones, keeps heat transfer machine in-house. In this case, logos of patterns first printed on paper then transferred design to the garment using heat transfer machine.
Direct Print: A direct garment print is similar to inkjet desktop printer. This is not a good option for bulk printing. It has benefits in terms of design flexibility, quick print. It does not stiffen the fabric.
When it comes for consideration of hand feel, stiffness, print texture and aesthetic look then you have to choose out of the following options.
Discharge print: For soft hand feel, lighter print color on dark base discharge print is a good option. Disadvantage- getting exact color is quite difficult especially when colored discharge printing. It is very difficult to develop final color. Printer has to take extra care in this printing. Printing cost is similar to khadi and pigment print.
Pigment print: Widely used print for garment print and most economic. It is easy to develop color. Dye fixation is poor compared to other printing. If there is no specification then pigment print is advisable.
Khadi print: Khadi print used for hand block printing. When one needs to print light colors on dark base khadi print is a good option. In khadi print fabric printed pattern stiffen the fabric. For finer and sharp lines khadi print should be avoided. When printing done on screen, screen get chocked and need screen cleaning. It terms of application easy to print.
Foil print, flock print or Burnt out print: Foil print, flock print and burnt out print give special look on garments. So, when buyer specify for these types of printing then you have go for it.


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